Sunday, May 25, 2008

New Tunes!!!!

I have been looking for new music for my upcoming island getaway. I have found some really great new artists! I have to be honest and admit that I "found" them while catching up on this seasons grey's anatomy episodes. Regardless, I think they are great! They all have a mostly chill vibe, but can have great rhythm.

The first is a British girl. "Adele." She's kind of like a cleaner, drug free version of Amy Winehouse. You can listen to adele with out hating yourself for liking her. always a plus! here is a link to her myspace page.

Second: Joshua Radin. He reminds me of a cross between William fitzsimmons, Adriano Schiavo and Damien Rice. Good acoustic singer/songwriter. Not bad looking either. ;)

Third: Bryn Christopher. Haven't had as much time to explore/ listen to it. I was interested by the song "the Quest." Again, it's a little tune I gleaned off Grey's. Yeah, that's right!